Apr 30, 2015

FM Perfume

As I am not a fan of perfumes, I never buy them with my hard-earned money.
But when they are given as gifts, I appreciate them as they are.
Seldom do I get to love any scent for long, but this one is a bit different as it is pleasing me for almost a month now.

Perfume Brand: FM (Frederico Mahora)
Company: FM Group World
Size: 50 ml
Color: Peach

The packaging is simply classy and is ideal to be given as a gift. The white box has a satin finish. It originally has a peach ribbon tied around the "neck" of the bottle but I already misplaced it.

On my first use I initially had slight headache due to the strong scent. As the day went on and during my next uses, I eventually got along with the smell and slowly loved it.

Its very feminine yet strong scent smells like sampaguita as my officemate described it.
I only need one spray that I distribute to several of my pulse points, and the scent lingers all day.

Will this be the first ever perfume that I'll ever finish? Or will it eventually be given to a dear friend or a loved one, like how my other perfumes ended up?

Let's wait and find out...

Update (5/21/15): I still love the scent!! :)

Update (4/25/16): I really loved the scent but I wasn't able to finish the bottle because after a few months I decided to give it away because of source issues. I mean I didn't like to keep it because of its giver. That's it. 

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